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Sampsa Vainio's Desk

Hey! My name is Sampsa Vainio and I’m a freelancer from Helsinki, Finland. I help companies acquire more customers online. In practice that covers everything from building websites to SEO and from Conversion Optimisation to managing paid advertising campaigns. I also do affiliate marketing and a significant amount of my income comes from my various affiliate projects.

Can you tell us something about your desk setup?

This is where the magic happens! I’m lucky to be able to work from home (almost) everyday and I’ve put some effort into making my desk setup as comfortable and effective as possible. I share the office in our home with my lovely girlfriend and our little office puppy Ruby (who likes to sleep by my feet while I work). I have sit/stand desk from IKEA and I usually stand by my desk for 2-3 hours per day. When I’m sitting, I sit on Salli saddle chair - designed and made in Finland (also famous for having appeared on Late night with Conan O’brien a few years ago). I listen to music constantly while working. I mostly listen Spotify’s Deep Focus playlist and when I really need to concentrate and get things done, I put on my Bose Quiet Comfort headphones. The one thing I can’t work without, is my Camelbak waterbottle (I drink a lot of water)! The room is decorated with 3 motivational posters from STARTUPVITAMINS, one of them which you can see in the pictures.

Is there anything you would like to improve on this setup?

I’m very happy with my desk setup as it is, but what I really would need, would be some shelves to add more space. I like when there’s no clutter on my desk and the less cables I see - the better. So definitely will be getting some shelves. I also would like to get something that raises my monitor. As you can see, now it stands on some books - doesn’t look that good.

Is there something on your desk which helps you stay focused? What is it?

The one thing that really helps me concentrate is my Bose Quiet Comfort headphones. When I have them on, I feel like I’m inside my own bubble and nothing can disturb me. And I have to say having to walk our puppy every 2 hours helps me concentrate since I need to take a 15-30 min break every now and then.

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