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Arne Osterthun's Desk

I’m a student at Bauhaus University Weimar working at my media and computer science bachelor. Currently I’m working on a study project in the home automation area. I’m researching the topic with respect to usability and artificial intelligence. Check out my Instagram page.

Can you tell us something about your desk setup?

I planned my desk to be clean working environment that allows me to focus on my current work. Therefor I tried to remove everything from the desk that could divert my focus from my tasks. Also importend was the choice to go with a white schemed desk because I think that a bright working environment helps to stay positive.

Can you tell us something about the items on/around your desk?

To keep my desk clean I have gone for the least amount of things on my desk that I could get without losing to much functionality. Therefore I just keep my Apple Wireless Keyboard and Trackpad and a notebook on my desk. Then there are also my monitor, Mac Book Air and my Teufel satellite speakers.

For decoration purpose I’ve got an art print from KLUB7 named Circles and a band poster from the hip hop group Egoland.

Next to my desk I keep my AV-Reciver and Vinyl-Player to get some music while working.

Is there anything you would like to improve on this setup?

To get my setup a level up I would get a Mac Mini to get more space on my desk and upgrade my monitor to an 21:9 LG Monitor to get more resolution to work on.

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