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Aaron Gelston's Desk


Hi, I’m Aaron Gelston. I am an Interactive Designer/Illustrator working for a corporation in a field of cubicles and a co-owner and artist for a PressureLife Magazine in Cleveland Ohio.

Can you tell us something about your desk setup?

Well where do I begin. This desk and I have fought wars together. Mostly with facility personnel/MGMT over the fact that the fluorescent lights and bludgeoning sunlight are not compatible with my craft. I have built multiple forts to keep out unwanted glare and have managed to keep this one up for a few months which is surprising because I can’t remember how many I have been made to take down. I feel like a lot of creatives can relate to such harsh corporate environments. Never give up, build, build, build!

Can you tell us something about the items on/around your desk?

I always have my sketchbook open for impulse ideation. Sketchbooks are very important to me as they completely document everything I have done from year to year. I prefer the Dot Grid Mini by Behance. The dots are perfect for wire framing and they don’t interfere with my more creative sketches. I attached a picture of some religious candles that I have in my makeshift cupboard given to me by a former Creative Manager/Mentor of mine. I am not religious by any means but they could not be more interestingly decorated and kind of symbolize the momentum of my career so far. I also attached a photo of an old blender. The company I design for is called Vitamix. Its a premium blending company and in the photo you can see one of their innovative blenders from the 50’s I acquired. You really can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you came from. In that same breath I attached a picture of the Vitamix founder that I crafted into a spaceship like frame (extra cardboard from the desk build). I attached a picture of my other cupboard that holds my awards for Recipe Photography for and overall design. If you look closely you can see a bowling trophy that I won at a company outing. I think the VP is still salty about their loss. Lastly I would say the biggest piece of inspiration on my desk is the latest issue of PressureLife magazine that I keep on the stand right next to me. My good friends and I started this company last year and we could not be more proud to put out the only free full color/full gloss arts & culture magazine in Cleveland.

Is there anything you would like to improve on this setup?

haha, I feel like this is a loaded question. I’m working in a cardboard hut soo…

I will say I would really like to build another level strictly for napping.

Is there something on your desk which helps you stay focused? What is it?

Again I would say the biggest source of focus for me is our magazine to my right. My headphones and the music that comes out of them plays a big part though. Its amazing what a songs tempo can do. I’ve noticed if I listen to songs with a tempo above 120 or so I can get a lot more accomplished but tend to overlook details, and anything around a tempo of 80 I get less done but it has been thoroughly combed through and thought out.

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