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iOS/macOS developer and soon to be freelancer/entrepreneur Red Davis from Bath, UK joins us for a Desk Hunt interview to talk about his custom made home office desk.
Let’s take a look.
Desk Hunt reader submission by designer and art director Whit Gurley.
Desk Hunt reader submission by front-end developer Anthony Garand.
Trying to put work and family life under the same roof might not be the healthiest thing for your productivity. That’s why Kyle Plattner, a product developer from Edwards (Illinois), decided to move his home office into a garden shed.
Let’s take a look.
Sven Lenaerts is a product manager and freelance product designer based in Belgium.
A few weeks ago Sven submitted his desk to Desk Hunt. What was first intended as a reader submission turned into one of my favourite interviews.
Let’s take a look.
From time to time when we’re getting things done, it happens that our workspace starts to get cluttered with stacks of paper. To free up space, I start to scan everything and throw it away afterwards. Others might not have that freedom in their line of work and need to store it physically. That’s where Sarah Lis Smith desk setup comes in. Her beautiful desk with its extra long tabletop, drawers and file folders might be the inspiration you need for your office right now.
Let’s take a look.