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Li-Chi Pan's Desk


Li-Chi Pan is a content editor from Sydney who works for Australia’s leading luxury media agency Maxmedialab.

Her home office / apartment is based in Sydney’s One Central Park, a building which was awared for being the best tall building in the world.

Let’s take a look.

Who are you and what do you do for a living?

Hi! My name is Li-Chi Pan and I am a South African born Taiwanese currently based in Sydney. I work as a content editor at Maxmedialab and a social media influencer in Australia.

Can you tell me something about your desk setup?

I like to keep my workspace minimal. I don’t like clutter and believe that the best kind of workspaces are ones which are organised. I love to have florals on my desk as it brightens up my mood.

Do you switch workspaces during your day? If yes, what’s the reason behind it?

Yes, during the day I work at Maxmedialab as it’s my day job. I return in the evening to my home and work in front of a wall of greenery which is always inspiring. It helps me to destress and clear my thoughts from work.

Can you tell us something about the items on your desk?

I purchase a lot of my stationery from Muji as the design is refined and easy to use.

What are you doing to stay focused?

I always have a cup of coffee when I work or green tea - the caffeine keeps me awake! I also tend to write a ‘to do’ list to ensure that I don’t over stress and prioritise what needs to get done first. It’s all about managing your time efficiently! Running also helps!

What was your latest self improvement experiment?


Where do you see yourself and your desk in the next 5 years?

I live quite a nomadic life and am always travelling so I like that I have a desk where I can return to - to edit pictures and curate my images. I can’t really say where I see myself - as I thought a year ago that I was going to be a working architect. Life is so unpredictable! I hope to continue to push myself as a creative and hopefully open up my own creative firm someday specialising in styling and photography for different brands I can resonate with.

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